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dimanche 20 avril 2014

Appeal Of The Right Sector Leader Dmytro Yarosh To The People Of Ukraine [+ vidéo+ traduction en français]

Appeal Of The Right Sector Leader Dmytro Yarosh To The People Of Ukraine, April 12, 2014

In these moments, in the east of Ukraine, in particular in the cities of Donetsk and Sloviansk, a repeat of the Crimean scenario is transpiring.

Criminal groups encouraged by Moscow have been seizing governmental security and law-enforcement buildings, take police hostage, force security and law-enforcement officials to resign.

This anti-Ukrainian insurgency is supported by some local government officials and because of total inactivity of central authorities (in Kyiv), especially the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVS).

The Kremlin is expecting to occupy eastern regions of Ukraine without minimal resistance from the authorities in Kyiv.

Due to the unfolding situation, I order full mobilization for all structures of the Right Sector and prepare for decisive actions in defense of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

I call on all Ukrainian security and law-enforcement agencies to not only stop averting our activities, but also help the Right Sector restore lawful order on the Ukrainian land.

There is a great danger that the current authorities (in Kyiv) will continue the policy of collaboration.

Due to this, I appeal to all citizens of Ukraine to be ready to put pressure on the current government through protests, assemblies, etc.

In the war time, governments should not be criticized. That is right. But it is also important to remember that in the war time, traitors are executed.

All of the Ukrainian society now must show the greatest unanimity.

Panic, pacifism, hysteria about avoiding provocations, and the need to finding peaceful solution to the situation plays only into the hands of our enemies.

Say Yes to national unity, say Yes to readiness of the decisive resistance to the invaders.

Say No to pacifism and capitulation.

Citizens, organize self-defense units, connect with the Right Sector representatives in the regions and join our forces. Together we will suppress anti-Ukrainian insurgency and renew territorial integrity of our motherland.

Glory to Ukraine!

With credits to Pravyy Sektor
Original video available at

Обращение лидера Правого Сектора Дмитрия Яроша к народу Украины 12 Апреля 2014 года

Un commentaire, à mon avis très pertinent, concernant cette vidéo :

This is just my opinion (and everyone can dump on me, that's fine), but someone should advise Yarosh to:

(a) Look directly at the camera. Don't read from cards. Talk firmly and with urgency, but normally.

(b) Remove the baseball cap. Dress in a shirt, tie, and jacket. Look dignified. Look like the defense secretary of a proud country, not a punk.

(c) Stand in front of a map of Ukraine (that includes Crimea in Ukraine) with a flag of Ukraine draped on the side, and their own flag too. Stand in front of a large group of people. Stand at a podium. Stand on a sidewalk. Stand in front of a church. The video looks like it was shot in a shelter. Leaders don't hide.

(d) Never publicly advocate the execution of anyone, e.g. traitors, Russians, etc.

The image of this video is drenched in negative associations that play right into the hands of Moscow. Anyone can take this video and spin it against PS.

Otherwise, good luck.

Voici l’Appel du leader du Secteur Droit au Peuple d’Ukraine.

“En ce moment, dans l’Est de l’Ukraine, en particulier dans les villes de Donetsk et Slaviansk, il apparaît une réédition du scénario criméen
Des groupes criminels encouragés par Moscou se sont emparés des bâtiments des forces de l’ordre, pris la police en otage, et forcé des officiels de la sécurité et des forces de l’ordre à démissionner.

Cette insurrection anti-ukrainienne est soutenue par quelques fonctionnaires des collectivités locales, et est causée par l’inactivité totale de l’autorité centrale (à Kiev) et particulièrement le Ministère de l’Intérieur.

Le Kremlin espère occuper les régions de l’est de l’Ukraine avec une résistance minime des autorités de Kiev.

À cause de la situation présente, j’ordonne la mobilisation totale de toutes les structures de Secteur Droit et prépare des actions décisives dans la défense de la souveraineté et l’intégrité territorial de l’Ukraine.

J’appelle toutes forces de l’ordre ukrainiennes non seulement à arrêter d’entraver nos activités, mais aussi d’aider Secteur Droit à restaurer l’ordre en Ukraine.

Il y a un grand danger que les autorités actuelles de Kiev continueront leur politique de collaboration.

À cause de cela, j’appelle tous les citoyens d’Ukraine à être prêt pour mettre la pression sur le gouvernement par des protestations, des assemblées, etc.

En temps de guerre, les gouvernements ne doivent pas êtres critiqués. C’est exact.

Mais il est aussi important de se rappeler qu’en temps de guerre, les traîtres sont exécutés.

Toute la société ukrainienne doit maintenant montrer la plus grande unanimité.

La panique, le pacifisme, l’hystérie contre les provocations, et le besoin de trouver une solution pacifique à la situation, c’est faire le jeu de l’ennemi.

Dites oui à l’union nationale, dites oui à la préparation à une résistance décisive contre les envahisseurs.

Dites non au pacifisme et à la capitulation.

Citoyens, organisez des unités d’auto-défense, contactez les représentants de Secteur Droit dans les régions et rejoignez nos force -
Gloire à l’Ukraine !”

Un journaliste et militant du parti nationaliste ukrainien Svoboda (Liberté) a été retrouvé mort, portant des traces de tortures, un jour après avoir été enlevé, a annoncé le parti dimanche. Le corps de Vassili Serguïenko a été retrouvé samedi dans un bois près du village de Vygraïev, dans le centre du pays à quelque 120 km au sud-est de Kiev, selon un communiqué du parti.

L'Ukraine a besoin de toi !
Diffuse la veritee ..
Combat la propagande Russe ...
Tweet, post, email , telephone !!!!!
Fais des dons ..
Engages toi dans la revolution !

Joyeuses Pâques quand même

Dmytro Yarosh: National State is the guarantee of freedom, justice and prosperity for every citizen

In the late autumn of 2013 a national revolution has been started in Ukraine. Because of the activities of the Yanukovych's criminal regime Ukraine was on the verge of collapse, and its people suffered from iniquity, safe will of officials and from material shortadges. Going into violent confrontation with the people, resulting in the death of hundreds of Ukrainian citizens Yanukovych regime nevertheless has been defeated. However the shameful flight of Yanukovych and his closest accomplices, "changing colors" by the members of the Party of Regions and the rise to power of former opposition do not mean that the National Revolution has won. Today the national revolution must be continued by peaceful methods and this prompted me to propose myself a candidate for President of Ukraine."Right Sector" has published my official election program. Now I want to turn to the community to present some of the principles that I will realize, if I become the President:
1. National state: through the implementation of the strategic interests of the Ukrainian nation to the guarantee of rights and freedoms for every citizen.
Every nation, including the Ukrainian is a community of the dead, the living and the unborn, it is the unity of past, present and future, it is the memory of the ancestors, it is the care about contemporarie andthe responsibility for the fate of future generations. A national state should exist to implement the strategic interests of each nation. At the moment Ukrainians do not have such state — many things have beed put to the foundation for the existence of the present Ukrainian state but not our national idea, not the strategic interests of our nation. This situation has to be changed; there must be a state on Ukrainian land, which will live up the testaments of our ancestors, take care of the present interests of Ukrainian society and secure a great future for our descendants.
Only Ukrainian national state could provide a decent life for every Ukrainian citizen regardless of nationality. It has developed so historically, that Russians and Poles, Belarusians and Hungarians, Greeks and Gagauz, Armenians and Georgians, as well as representatives of many other minorities live next to Ukrainians on Ukrainian land. The most of them like the Ukrainian country and respect its indigenous inhabitants. Proof of this is the fact that Belarusians, Armenians, Russians, Poles stood, fought and died on Maidan next to Ukrainians. The creation of the national state implies attention to the extensive interests of each good citizen. Respecting the rights of the titular nation, the representatives of minorities not only facilitate their economic and social interests, but also create conditions for implementation their own national rights.
2. Solidarism is the key to social and economic fairness in the country.
The existence of Ukrainian independent state was accompanied by the establishment of criminal-oligarchic regime, which parasited on the sweat and blood of Ukrainian citizens, led to extreme social differentiation, robbed not only society but also the state. However, the recent developments in Ukraine made oligarchs aware that their influence is not absolute. The situation in Ukraine has been modified a bit and the oligarchs have adapted to these changes; however, the entire oligarchic system was not eliminated.
We are not opposed to the existence of people in Ukraine who concentrate large business resources and monetary assets in their hands. But these people do not have the right to: a) get rich at the expense of the vast majority of the population and the public interest; b) impose their own rules on political game. In order not to lose everything they possess, local oligarchs should share their wealth with public and the state, invest in the development of Ukrainian economy using their foreign assets and get rid of excessive political ambitions. There is no other way for the peaceful solution to the problem of oligarchy.
If simplified taxation system and some mechanisms for business promotion must be developed for small and medium size businesses, big companies must be accompanied by a system of progressive taxation: the more you get, the more you pay. Excess profits should be directed not to the personal pocket, for purchasing new estates for billions of dollars, but to the state treasury for social programs, as well as to production modernization. This must be be the first strategic step towards building a solidarity society.
The level of personal wealth must depend on natural abilities, education, initiative, hard work. Anyone having the appropriate skills, should pave the way to increased prosperity. But every Ukrainian citizen regardless of financial capabilities must know that all basic interests are secured. It is about the right to free education, healthcare, and abot ensuring the appropriate level of material needs.
On the one hand social programs have to solve the real problems of some population segments, on the other hand they must not contribute to social groups that parasite on the work of others, receiving social benefits without working.
3. Instead of the dictatorship of economy, the philosophy of responsibility, duty and care.
Throughout human history, material factors played an important role in the life of peoples, countries and civilizations. This is quite natural. However the absolutisation of these factors is an unnatural and harmful phenomenon. Such phenomenon we can see all around the world now and particularly in Ukraine. Under oligarchic regime, which ruled and largely continues to dominate in Ukraine, this absolutisation has got particularly degenerate forms as clannish economic interests were assigned to the basics of entire state system functioning.
We recognize the importance of economic factors in the life of state and society, however, oppose to the absolutization of these factors. We state that not a society, state or individual must serve the economy but the economy should serve the implementation of ultimate goals. This is why we advocate for the responsible voluntarism as opposition to the extreme economic determinism.
Strong political commitment, the self-devotion of people filled with high ideals, belief in themselves, combined with patriotic feelings can perform miracles, they can reach goals, which seemed impossible yesterday. So we advocate for the economic policy resulting from the strategic interests of the Ukrainian nation and which will be not restricted by patterns and schemes that now seem secure. This is a policy that puts domestic and foreign economic activity in the service of state interests, its independence and the defense, which do not exclude responsibility for the fate of the environment, which cares for the harmonious development of society and individual. This policy requires first-class specialists - technocrats in the public and private sectors, however, these technocrats must obey the strategic objectives standing in front of the nation.
4. The National State is impossible without effective mechanisms of democracy.
Both external invaders and the representatives of internal occupation regime benefited from keeping Ukraine in the iron grip of excessive centralization, bureaucracy and the lack of transparency. In our turn defending a strong and responsible state we also stand for the implementation of effective mechanisms for national democracy. We know that "good" government is not that, which consists of "good people", but that one which is under constant control of people combined by national idea.
In this regard, we support the election of judges and district police officers, the strict accountability of deputies of all levels to the voters and the possibility of their impeachment, lessening the bureaucracy of government and empowering local administrations. The distribution of administrative powers and responsibilities between public authorities and governments should be done in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity: the state should not interfere in the areas of public life in which the community itself can cope.
5. “Ukrainecentrism” as the basis of geopolitical doctrine.
Without a real national state, Ukrainians were the object and not the subject of world politics. Both ruling parties and opposition in particular found themselves in Russia – West coordinate system for more than twenty years of independence, explaining that Ukraine must either be with Russia, or with the West, or to be a buffer zone between these two geopolitical powers. We reject this neo-colonial approach and defend Ukraine centered view of the prospects in Ukrainian geopolitics.
Ukrainian geopolitical doctrine should be based on multidirectional approach, the search for the maximum number of allies in our multipolar world, and on creation of own geopolitical center. We stand for friendly relations with our neighbors and thus emphasize the importance of integration processes in the following areas: 
a) the creation of Baltic - Black Sea axis with the participation of Baltic states, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine; 
b) the reactualization of GUAM's geopolitical lines with the prospect of bringing Armenia and Black Sea countries to it (in other words - focus on the unity of the Black Sea and Caucasian countries); 
c) the establishment of the most close relations with all countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
In the Middle Ages, Ukraine was one of the most powerful states in Europe. Our goal is to restore that greatness of our country.
6. Raising the level of defense capabilities is one of the main directions of state policy.
Existing as neocolony, Ukrainan state pursued a policy of disarmament and the destruction of own army. Instead, the establishment of Ukraine as a truly independent national state and a strong geopolitical player requires immediate action to revive the defense capabilities. Therefore, it is extremely important radical turn in the attitude of the state towards its own army.
The residual principle of army financing, which took place in the past, must be replaced by funding in accordance with actual needs. The rearmament must be accompanied by forced development of the defence industry. Ukraine has enough technologies and experts, we just have to learn how to use them effectively.
Notable personnel changes should be conducted in the army and all law enforcement agencies focused on the criteria of professionalism and patriotism. An incapable person or disloyal to the Ukrainian state must not be allowed to wear officer's marks. However after lustration the state must make every reasonable effort to raise the social prestige and material wealth of Ukrainian soldiers. In particular, it is the urgent task to solve the housing and living problems of soldiers and raise their wages.
A general militarization of society is important for the increase of the country's defense. Therefore, it is necessary to create territorial self-defence forces like in Switzerland, but on a voluntary basis, and to permit acquisition, possession and carrying of firearms by responsible members of society.
Governmental support to youth paramilitary groups who rely on clear national and patriotic principles can be of importance for the growth of the country's defense capabilities.


National Revolution of 2013-2014 brighly demonstrated the absence of alternative to the national liberation struggle for the oppressed people. The “Right Sector” is an association initiated by “Tryzub” named after S. Bandera which united very different social and political forces as well as individual citizens having right and nationalistic views were and remain at the forefront of the struggle against the regime of internal occupation, the cream of which was the criminal system built by Yanukovych. This is why “Right Sector” has earned the respect and affection of millions of nationally awakened Ukrainians. The first revolutionary phase, which ended with the flight of Yanukovych and the change of people in power in February 2014, was naturally dominated by the “struggle against” – against the anti-popular, anti-Ukrainian and anti-state authorities. But now a need in the second stage of the revolution arose at full height, this stage should finalize what had been started and bring to qualitative shift of power in favor of people. At this stage “struggle for” will prevail. Freedom from the Yanukovych regime does not mean the freedom of Ukraine. It is obvious that the political and social force will have a great chance to win, which is clearly aware of the proper philosophical basis and will be firmly based on the eternal and fundamental ideological realities that for centuries determine and the fate of an individual and that of entire nations.
The ideology of nationalism and as a basic social philosophy (or system of ideas) and as a particular political ideology (or doctrine), which determines the activities of social movements and organizations, belongs to the great, portentous, traditional realities, known from the Bible or the history of the ancient Greeks and Romans. What is the proper Ukrainian nationalism? This is nation-centric outlook. This is the ideology of national freedom, the freedom of nations and people. This is an idea and a work for the sake of Ukraine. This is ideology of protection, preservation and self-determination of the Ukrainian national state. Therefore, it is much wider and effective than patriotism understood as the love to homeland, though springing out of this feeling.
The system of Ukrainian nationalism is old, big and complicated, its latest images and wording were poetically expressed by the genius of Taras Shevchenko in the middle of the nineteenth century, who powerfully summarized the historical experience and philosophical traditions of Ukrainian people. Therefore, the most basic elements of this system are very affordable and organic for Ukrainian outlook, they were not devised or borrowed from another ideological field. I will outline some of them.
First of all the Ukrainian nationalism offers everyone to step on the “Ukrainian way”. The Ukrainian way is the continuation of centuries long ideological and political struggle for the realization of Ukrainian idea and target. It is a struggle for the self-determination of Ukrainian state in all spheres of life. This is the Ukrainian way of life.
Therefore, the national idea means the idea of competition, consolidation and development of the national state – the state of the Ukrainian nation on the Ukrainian territory, which would secure the development to Ukrainian nation and comprehensive freedoms, justice and prosperity all to citizens of Ukraine. The genious literary formulation of Ukrainian national idea has been given by Taras Shevchenko: “In own house there is own truth and power and freedom.”
As every family wants to have their house in order to be happy and people strive to have their own state. Therefore, the national state is “a natural desire of every developed nation, it is the culmination of his political self-determination, due to which it becomes a full and sole master of its fate in its own land” (V. Ivanyshyn). But the national state does not act only in the interests of ethnic Ukrainians, it provides the rights and freedoms to all decent citizens of Ukraine, which are loyal to Ukrainian statehood.
The system of national democracy is dominant in a national state. This is not only the institutionalized system where indigenous people play the defining role in building and functioning of the state, but it also provides systematic control over the power by community.
The nation thus is considered as something broader than the concept of people (ethnos) and cannot be replaced by the cosmopolitan notion of “political nation” (mechanical association of citizens). In fact, the nation is a recognized and effective unity of people united around the idea of freedom, based on ethnic and social, spiritual and cultural factors.
The national – existential Shevchenko’s thought is an important part of nation centristic national ideology. It’s about thinking in terms of security, development and reproduction of the nation, based on the national categorical imperative or order. This order has been well articulated in his time by the Ukrainian poet Ivan Franko: “Everything that goes beyond the frame of the nation is either pharisaism… or the infertile sentimentalism of fiction writers.”
Having a clear national ideological orientations it is very easy to compete and win against unprincipled political entities, which are abundant in ruling parties of the present and past; it is easy to expose the falseness of imperialism as the ideology of unfreedom, enslavement of nations and peoples, which lies behind the ideology of liberalism or communism; it is easy clearly to dissassociate from unpromising manifestations of racism, xenophobia or pseudo nationalism.
Moreover. It is clear dominant nationalist worldview which allows conducting mature and flexible political and social activities. This is about the development of a party and a right wing public organization on the basis of “Right Sector”, which would have been able to combine not only the nationalistic forces, but also various conservative and even national – democratic structures and hundreds of thousands of organizationally unditermined but patriotic citizens of Ukraine. It can be done basing on the national ideas of Shevchenko, basing on traditional Ukrainian ideology, basing on national centristic thinking, basing on the basis of patriotic feelings, which sharpened and as a result of revolutionary events and because of the recent occupation by Moscow. In this way basing on its national centristic state platform “Right Sector” can unite all patriotic and state – oriented people of different beliefs, areas of residence, languages, ages and sex groups, which able to grow up to the Ukrainian idea and who want the government of people and not the power over people in Ukraine.
“Right Sector” remains forever in the history of Ukraine as the main driving force of the revolutionary war of 2013-2014. However, “Right Sector” as a political party and mass social organization may have even bigger historic mission. It is about the completion of the revolutionary war, the change of government, the construction of the Ukrainian National State which will become a native home for all citizens of Ukraine. I believe that a strong reliance of “Right Sectort” for Shevchenko national idea, the Ukrainian national centrism, on state thinking and on mechanisms of national democracy will allow the implementation of this age-old dream of the Ukrainian people.
Dr. Petro Invanishyn
Ukrainian scientist, specialist in literature, culturologist, publicist

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