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vendredi 21 août 2015

Un volontaire suédois se bat pour l'Ukraine

Jonas Nilsson
 Un soldat professionnel, engagé dans le bataillon Azov pour défendre l'Ukraine contre les terrorusses.

UT speaks with Swedish professional soldier about what motivates volunteer fighters in east Ukraine
In our newsroom we are joined by Mr. Jonas Nilsson a former top Swedish army serviceman, who is currently in Ukraine training and researching the Azov battalion as well as other volunteer battalions fighting Kremlin-backed militants in east Ukraine.
"When you join a conscription army you fight for a political establishment. But it is different when you are fighting for a free battalion. There is always something that ties the fighters together…they are politically or ideologically connected. But the broadest connections is that they want to fight for the country not for the politicians"
"They have strong nationalistic, strong patriotic notions, you will find some right-wing elements, but that is not the biggest magnetic force for the soldiers to join the Azov battalion"

Un autre volontaire suédois : Mikael Skillt :
Comment un sniper suédois a trouvé la rédemption dans la guerre en Ukraine (A lire en  anglais ici : The Daily Signal)

New recruits to the Azov Regiment line up at the training camp in Kyiv, Ukraine. (Photo: Nolan Peterson/The Daily Signal)

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